14 Jan. 2025

Hi Everyone. Great start to a new season. We have 7 teams in Div. 3 at Kerrisdale, 7 teams in Div. 2 at Kits, and 6 teams in Div. 1 at Sunset. Games seem fairly evenly matched throughout the Divisions, which is a good sign. Brian V has updated the website, and it looks good – Thanks. Please ensure you check the schedule each week as sometimes there may be changes, albeit rare, in which case I will inform the captains.

Registration: Please ensure all players are registered. This is a community center requirement, which we must follow. Please also ensure you have enough players registered. So far, almost all teams have good roster sizes, however, there are two teams that need add a couple more players. We must avoid defaults as this can create problems. There are team penalties (check rules), however, we don’t need to go there – just bring enough players – everyone just wants a game.

Community centers: The community centers do a great job facilitating our league. From the programmers to the building attendants, most have been supporting this league for years. Please take some time to thank them. Please also keep in mind that we are bound by the spirit and code of conduct of these community centers in addition to our own rules. Many people of all different ages like to watch our games, which is a good indication of the success of our style of play. Please keep it up.

Trophies: Our historical trophies in all three divisions have been missing since Covid, along with 30 years worth of history on the trophies. I’m trying to reestablish the history in the new trophies. One of the trophies (Div. 3) did show up a couple of days ago anonymously, so that’s a relief, but will require some work to rebuild.

We have a long season ahead of us. Enjoy the games, and any feedback is always appreciated. Also, welcome to the new players, as there are a number of them across the three divisions. Biraj